Or you’ll be at brunch, at the old restaurant you went to before the pandemic, the one that barely survived. He’ll be talking with the same voice that might otherwise talk about James Harden trade rumors, which will be the spookiest part. But now he’ll be speaking about scary political actors and evil companies and probably some private citizens like Ruby Freeman as if you’re both living in the same YouTube morass only he had accidentally slipped into. You probably knew him and talked about the NBA salary cap with him before COVID. You will simply have no idea who or what he’s talking about. It won’t even be that you’ll disagree with him.

You’re going to be standing next to another parent at soccer practice, watching your kid fail to kick a ball for the first time in 14 months, and that dad is going to lean over to you and, in the most clarion, measured tone, he is going to say the most insane thing you have ever heard. So why do I want to talk about Ruby Freeman?īecause at some point in these next few months, you’re going to return to the honest-to-goodness, real-life social world. This is tragic, obviously, but it is probably not shocking to you that people reading screenshots of 4chan on Twitter in an effort to drum up support for overturning the election might have access to some bad information. She pretty joyfully tells everyone that she’s “living holy and having fun without backsliding” and reminds you: “Remember, in all thy ways, acknowledge God and he shall direct your path.” This comes as a surprise to me, since I’ve heard Ruby’s voicemail a lot in the last few weeks. That’s because, on 4chan and far-right blogs, she is some sort of Sith Lord/Al Capone combo, who personally stole the election by doing…something with briefcases? That part’s unclear, but what the QAnon people are certain of is Ruby Freeman - a 60-something election worker who also sells handbags at the mall - is part of the global conspiracy to steal the election.

Her business is called Lady Ruby’s Unique Treasures, and I don’t recommend you look at the Instagram comments for that store anymore. She also helped count ballots in Georgia last month. In reality, Ruby runs one of those kiosks in the middle of the mall that sells ladies’ accessories, purses - that sort of thing. I bet you don’t know who Ruby Freeman is, and that would make you a normal person.

She has been, bravely and correctly, off the grid since some psychopaths doxxed her shortly after the election. Really, I want to talk to Ruby Freeman, but I can’t.